在看&聽Steve Jobs的演講之前,一真老師先上我們看有關於Steve Jobs的簡報,其中除了介紹他事業成立的過程之外,老師還要我們去觀察他每一個時期的眼神,才發覺,不管是從少年時期、初創apple時、被趕出去apple後, 失意一陣子, 新創NeXT公司時、一直到他過世前和他的team以極快的速度推出不少最新apple產品時,眼睛一直都是炯炯有神!!彷彿完全不畏懼任何即將面臨的未來,已經充滿準備、蓄勢待發、讓眾人瞧瞧他的厲害!!
(1)"You can't connect the dots looking forward, you could only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust the dots will somehow connect in your future....Because believe in the dot connect down the road will give you the confidence of following your heart even when it leads you the well-worn path and that would make the all difference."
(2)"Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith."
(3)".....The only way to do great work is to love what you do.If you haven't find it yet, keep looking and don't settle."
(4)"You are already naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart."
(5)"Stay hungry, stay foolish."
這些觀念,都深深影響我們的每一個下一步,而在做出選擇時,應該傾聽自己內心真正的想法;在知識的大海面前,我們永遠是渺小的;面臨挫折、困境時,退縮是難免,但無論如何還是要面對和解決眼前的問題-The stoke is an awful tasting medicine, but a patient needed it.當過去的習得的種種,連貫起來,會成會構成意想不到的結果。承勳在connecting the dots中已自己的想法講出「小螺絲會構成大機器」,實在是非常的貼切,每個時期的一點小東西,可以讓未來更不一樣。Steve Jobs真的是很了不起的人,很謹慎、很謙遜、活出自己很棒的典範!他希望我們能他身上獲得很多,更希望我們在自己的路途上找到自己,and always stay hungry, stay foolish.
I agree that we should also listen to ourself first when we try to listen carefully to others as 璟思 has said, "傾聽自己內心真正的想法." If we fail to do so, quite often we are buried in other people's suggestions/ideas. We can only stay integral by recognizing our own needs and dreams so that we keep ourselves different from other beings.